Struggling with getting enough impressions to your capture pages? 50onRed has got something for you that will cure that problem pronto! Their "Run Of Network", aka RON, feature will give you more impressions that you can afford. Seriously. When you add RON to your target list for any PPV campaign you are running with 50onRed, your … [Read more...]
Pay Per View Ads – When To Pause A Target URL
A common question when starting out with PPV (Pay Per View) advertising is "Some of my target URLs have 500 impressions but no leads. What should I do?" Generally the rule of thumb is you need to get 1 lead out of every 100 impressions to a URL. Most often, this works and is a good yard-stick. But that ratio does not guarantee profitability … [Read more...]
7 Ways To Decrease Your Average Lead Cost With 50onRed
There are 2 ways to make your online business more profitable - increase your revenue or decrease your expenses. This post is gonna cover how to send your average lead cost plummeting over a cliff when you're driving traffic using the 50onRed PPV network. These 7 ways are specific to 50onRed, but some of them can be used on the other PPV … [Read more...]